About Me

The Soul Behind The Words

Words are my world, but you already know that. To give you a better sense of the person behind the prose, I’ve compiled a list of five fun facts about me. These bits about my life offer a glimpse into the experiences and interests that drive me and continue to shape my journey as a writer and professional.

Growing up, I went to an arts and sciences school. The sciences always intrigued me, but it were the arts I loved dearly. And, after years of developing skills in music, dance, theater, and plastic arts, I was faced with what, for me, was a shocking realization at the time: none of those creative paths made me passionate enough to wish to pursue them for the rest of my life. Fast-forward to high school, I began reading fiction novels every spare second I had. And, as a beautiful gift from the universe, in my junior and senior years I got to study under two brilliant literature teachers who indulged my obsession and inspired me to pursue a career in writing.

I attended college in the city I grew up in to stay close to family, which meant majoring in Creative Writing was not an option. I’m not one to dwell, so I concluded that, even if I later pursued a career in writing, I had the very special opportunity to study something in-depth and majoring in Design & Visual Communication was the way to go. The major offered countless creative tools I was sure would contribute to my professional development, so it was a no-brainer. And now, with my college degree in hand, I can confirm the knowledge I acquired pursuing that major brings value to my professional life in the most surprising ways every single day.

In my second year of college, I was allowed to pursue a second major alongside the first. I had no clue what I wanted to study as a second major, or if I wanted a second major at all. However, destiny called. The summer before my third semester, I decided to take two summer classes to lessen the academic burden during the semester, whichever the faculty opened. One of them was ‘Copywriting’, a class we shared with the Marketing & Advertising major. And upon realizing that there’s an entire content writing industry, my decision was made. I enrolled in Marketing & Advertising and soon began offering my services as a content writer.

After several years of focusing on my college studies, finally obtaining both degrees, and graduating with honors, I faced a very particular problem some may deem inconsequential, but others may relate to. I had worked most of my college years. Now, only working and without the heavy academic load I’d gotten used to, I didn’t know how to shut my mind off and take a break. I had to ask myself what did I enjoy doing besides writing. And it took a lot of introspection to find the answer, but it is short and simple: I love spending time with my loved ones, I love getting out of the city when I have the chance, and I love reading many, many books.

My personal brand is a firefly for two reasons. The first one is that fireflies, with their gentle glow, are symbols of hope, casting light even in the deepest darkness. They represent positivity, simplicity, and self-awareness. Their dance signifies unity and harmony, to live in sync with nature and one another. All things I try to carry with me no matter where life takes me. The second reason is that my middle name is Lucía, coming from the Latin word Lux meaning ‘light’. And while it doesn’t directly translate to firefly, in various Romance languages firefly translates to close variations like ‘luciérnaga’ in Spanish, ‘luciole’ in French, and ‘lucciola’ in Italian.